
Intellectual Outputs

  • O1A is an interactive manual hosted on a web page. To use it simply follow the link to the manual in your preffered language.

  • O1B, O2 and O3 are Jupyter notebooks. Scroll down this page to read on how you can use this material.

O1. An interactive online manual in two parts.

Part A

  • On-line course in programming for students without mathematical or IT background. It will consist of 12 introductory lessons, each one formulated in an easy to understand way for the non-IT students/specialists. The base for this classes will be Python programming language.

Part B

  • Specialised methods for non-IT arts and sciences. This part will consists of 5 parallel topics

    1. Text/strings manipulation (linguistics, sociology, social sciences, philology)

    2. Statistics (economy, social sciences)

    3. Biostatistics, bioinformatics (biomedical and natural sciences)

    4. Algorithms, theory of programming (mathematics)

    5. Scientific and numerical methods, data analysis (physics)

Each lesson will be accompanied by interactive and fully editable programming examples. The students will be encouraged to experiment with the code and change it in order to find individual solutions. This will ensure the deeper understanding of discussed concepts. The original text will be prepared in English and the final form will be translated by each partner into their native language.

The programming part of the project (O1 and O2) will be based on the Python 3 programming language.

O2. Programming exercises.

This is the practical part of the project. It will fully complement O1 output. A set of programming exercises corresponding to each lesson of O1 will be constructed, tested and hand out to students. Each exercise will be a programming-oriented task accompanied by set of input and output data for the sake of self-evaluation.

O3. Automated evaluation and grading.

Programming exercises for self-evaluation. It will fully complement O1 output as a set of programming exercises corresponding to each lesson of O1. Each part will be accompanied by interactive and fully editable programming examples, provided as Jupyter Notebook. In order to use them you will need a working nbgrader server (

O1, O2, O3 materials

How to use Jupyter notebooks

ccinfinite - how to use materials