CC INFINITE - sustainability of project results
The CC INFINITE project has come to an end, but for the participating universities this is only the beginning of the implementation of its results. By definition, the programming course is aimed at all interested students, but the partner universities particularly target their offer at students:
Nursing (undergraduate and masters)
Sports Science (bachelor and masters)
Business administration and management.
First level degrees:
Industrial biotechnology for sustainable development (Dept of Biology)
Medical and pharmaceutical biotechnologies (Dept of Biosciences,
Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical
Economics and Business (Dept of Economy and Finances)
Physics (Dept of Physics)
Computer Science (Dept of Computer Science)
Computer science and digital communication (Dept of Computer Science)
Computer science and technologies for software production (Dept of
Computer Science)
Humanities (Dept of Literature)
Mathematics (Dept of Mathematics)
Social service sciences and sociology (Dept of SSSS)
Statistics (Dept of Economy and Finances)
Master programme:
Cellular and molecular biology (Dept of Biology)
Industrial and environmental biotechnologies (Dept of Biosciences,
Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical
Medical biotechnologies and molecular medicine (Dept of Biosciences, Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical)
Computer science (Dept of Computer Science)
Data Science (Dept of Computer Science)
Cyber Security (Dept of Computer Science)
Modern philology (Dept of Literature)
Mathematics (Dept of Mathematics)
Physics (Dept of Physics)
The sections Algorithms and theory of programming, have been tested and used during the courses of:
Programming languages (first level degree in Computer science and technologies for software production);
Computability and complexity (first level degree in Computer science);
digital communication,
promotional and crisis communication,
The Business School - Postgraduate level:
Accounting and Business Finance MSc
Marketing MSc
digital Marketing MSc
Project Management MSc
Supply Chain Management MSc
Financial Economics MSc
International Finance and Banking MSc
Financial Risk Management MSc
Information Systems Management MSc
International Business with Data Analytics MSc
Information Systems Management MSc
Purchasing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
The Business School- Undergraduate level
Accounting BA (Hons)
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
Advertising and Marketing Communications BSc (Hons)
Aviation and Airport Management BSc (Hons)
Business Economics BSc (Hons)
Business Management BSc (Hons)
Economics and Finance BSc (Hons)
Financial Technology BSc (Hons)
International Business BSc (Hons)
International Finance and Banking BSc (Hons)
Marketing BSc (Hons)
Travel, Aviation and Tourism Management BSc (Hons)
School of life science – Undergraduate Level
Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Biological Science BSc (Hons)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)
Environmental Health Science BSc (Hons)
Human Bioscience with Enterprise BSc (Hons)
Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences BSc (Hons)
Pharmacology and Health Science BSc (Hons)
School of Life Sciences – Postgraduate level
Bioengineering MSc
Biotechnology (15 month) MSc
Biotechnology with Data Analytics MSc
Biomedical Engineering MSc
Environmental Management MSc
School of Computer Science and Technology – Postgraduate level
Electronic Engineering MSc
Software Engineering and Applications with Project Management MSc
Automotive Engineering for Electric Vehicles MSc
Mechanical Engineering MSc
School of Computer Science and Technology – Undergraduate level
Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)
Automotive Engineering BEng (Hons)
Building Technology FdSc
Cybersecurity BSc (Hons)
Electronic Engineering BEng (Hons)
Information and Data Systems BSc (Hons)
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons)
Product Design BSc (Hons)
Quantity Surveying and Value Engineering BSc (Hons)
Building Services and Sustainability FD
Sustainable Construction FD
Construction Management BSc (Hons)
CC Infinite programming workshop
On 27.09.2021, the students of Stefan Batory Secondary School No. 3 in Chorzów developed their programming competences during an online workshop entitled "Dictionaries in Python on the example of the Countries - Cities Quiz" as part of the project "Computing Competences. Innovative learning approach for non-IT students - CC INFINITE", co-founded by the EU under the Erasmus+ programme.
During the workshop, our participants proved that anyone can program and digital competences are not only the domain of IT specialists or, even more, secret knowledge.
September workshops in partner schools of the University of Silesia in Katowice.
The CC Infinite project proves that every person, not necessarily planning their future in IT, is able to make working with a computer more enjoyable and faster just by knowing the principles of programming. Pupils from our partner schools - III LO im. Orła Białego in Jaworzno and I LO im. Króla Kazimierza Wielkiego in Bochnia - became convinced of this during programming workshops with Professor Michał Mierzwa. We hope that, as future students of the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences or engineering and technology, they will continue to develop their computer skills.
CC INFINITE - conference disseminating project results
Despite the still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions at the University of Silesia in Katowice, on 15th and 16th September we managed to meet and share the achievements of the CC Infinite project. We would like to thank everyone who, despite unfavourable circumstances, participated in the event, in particular the candidates and students of Digital Communication (University of Silesia), students and employees of the Faculty of Organisation and Management of the Silesian University of Technology and students and employees of Poznań University of Economics.
We would like to thank the project partners, in particular Tom Jewson from the University of Bedfordshire Business School and we invite you to listen to Tom's presentation from the conference.